美國州政府能不能限制槍枝販售? How States Can Limit Gun Violence (Part 1/2) 完整註解
在本文中,法律系兼職教授 SCOTT A. BUDOW 分析了美國限制槍枝販售的可行性。
The Second Amendment 第二修正案
bear arms 「攜帶武器」
armed with ... 「攜帶 ...(某種武器)」這裡 armed 當動詞
hold 在法庭用語中,指法官「做出決定、裁決」
Ex. The court held that the contract is valid. 法庭判定此合約是有效的
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In May 2022, a teenage shooter armed with an AR-15 style semiautomatic rifle entered a Tops Supermarket in Buffalo, New York, and methodically killed ten people, almost all of whom were Black, in a racially motivated mass shooting. The shooter purchased the weapon from Vintage Firearms, an LLC registered in New York State, and the weapon included a magazine lock sold by a Georgia-based company, Mean LLC (“Mean Arms”). The magazine lock was necessary to comply with New York law, which bans the possession of assault weapons that hold more than ten rounds of ammunition. However, the lock can also be disabled, allowing assault weapons to illegally hold magazines with far more ammunition. In fact, Mean Arms even includes step-by-step instructions on the back of its product packaging showing gun owners how to remove the lock. The shooter followed those instructions, easily removed the lock, and used 30-round detachable magazines during the shooting, which added to the deadliness of the attack by enabling him to shoot and kill more quickly.
comply with ... 「遵守、符合 ...(某規定)」
Ex. All drivers are required to comply with traffic laws 所有的駕駛員都必須遵守交通規則
2022年5月,在一起種族動機的(racially motivated) 大規模槍擊 (mass shooting) 事件中,一名携帶AR-15式半自動(semiautomatic) 步槍 (rifle) 的青少年槍手走進紐約州水牛城的Tops超市,按照計畫射殺了十人,這十個人幾乎全是黑人。槍手從註冊於紐約州的Vintage Firearms LLC購買了武器,該武器包含了一個由喬治亞州公司 Mean LLC(“Mean Arms”)銷售的彈匣 (magazine)鎖。需要彈匣鎖的原因是因為紐約法律禁止持有可以裝填超過十發子彈 (ammunition) 的攻擊武器 (assault weapons)。不過,這種鎖也可以被解開,讓武器可以非法裝載超過規定彈藥數的彈匣。Mean Arms 甚至還在彈匣鎖包裝的背面附上操作指示,向消費者展示如何移除鎖。這位兇手按照這些指示輕易地移除彈匣鎖,並在槍擊過程中使用了30發可拆卸式 (detachable) 彈匣,讓他能夠更快速地射殺更多人,增加了襲擊的致命性。
Nearly a year later, New York State Attorney General Letitia James filed a lawsuit against Mean Arms that sought to prohibit the entity from doing business in New York because the company aided and abetted the illegal possession of assault weapons. But the Attorney General’s lawsuit in no way impacts the ability of Vintage Firearms to continue selling firearms in New York. The lawsuit targets the gun accessory manufacturer in Georgia, not the gun seller in New York. And the suit begs a basic, more fundamental question: why should state-registered business entities be allowed to sell guns in the first place?
文中用來指 Mean Arms 這間「公司」
aid and abet 法律術語,指協助、幫助或支持他人從事非法活動的行為
aid 「協助」
abet 「慫恿、幫助」
通常這兩個字會一起使用:aid and abet
beg the question 常用的英文片語,表示某事情「引出了一個問題」
文中意思是,這起大規模槍擊案引出了一個根本的問題: 這些企業一開始為什麼可以被允許販賣槍枝?