Innumeracy: Probability and Coincidence 完整註解
本篇文章摘錄於 《Innumeracy: Mathematical Illiteracy and Its Consequences》 這本書。作者 John Allen Paulos 在書中探討了普遍人們對數學的盲目以及它所帶來的後果,並透過貼近生活的舉例說明,幫助讀者更好理解及運用數學知識。
innumeracy 指「對數字的不熟悉或不理解」,「沒有好的數學能力」
numeracy 「數字能力」
probability 「機率、概率」
coincidence 「巧合」
stock index 「股票指數」
consumer price index 「消費者物價指數」
閱讀全文 >> 《Innumeracy: Mathematical Illiteracy and Its Consequences》Page 26 - 27.
Stock-market advisers are everywhere, and you can probably find one to say almost anything you might want to hear. They're usually assertive, sound quite authoritative, and speak a strange language of puts, calls, Ginnie Maes, and zero-coupons. In my humble experience, most don't really know what they're talking about, but presumably some do.
put 賣權
call 買權
zero-coupon 零息票債券
Ginnie Maes 政府國民抵押協會
humble experience 這邊用 humble 表示「謙虛」的態度,可以理解為「以作者個人的淺薄經驗」
presumably 「據推測或假設」
文中 most don't really know what they're talking about, but presumably some do 可以理解為 ,大部分都不是真正知道自己在講什麼,但「可能」有些人是知道的。
股市顧問無處不在,你幾乎都可以找到一個願意說任何你想聽的話的人。他們通常很斬釘截鐵 (assertive),聽起來很有權威 (authoritative),而且會用大部分人聽不懂的術語,像是 puts、calls、Ginnie Mae 和 zero-coupons。根據我個人的淺薄經驗,大多數人並不真的知道他們在說什麼,可能除了某些人。
If from some stock-market adviser you received in the mail for six weeks in a row correct predictions on a certain stock index and were asked to pay for the seventh such prediction, would you? Assume you really are interested in making an investment of some sort, and assume further that the question is being posed to you before the stock crash of October 19, 1987. If you would be willing to pay for the seventh prediction (or even if you wouldn't), consider the following con game.
Ex. The team won five games in a row. 這隊連續贏了五場比賽
如果你連續六週收到某股市顧問寄給你有關某支股票走勢的正確預測 (prediction),並要求你支付第七次的預測,你會嗎?假設你確實對投資感興趣,並且進一步假設此問題是在1987年10月19日股市大崩盤之前提出的。如果你願意支付第七次的預測(或者你不願意),請考慮以下騙局 (con game)。