學會放手 Learning to Let Go 完整註解


這次的推薦,是閱讀連結裡的第一個小故事《Learning to Let Go》,關於作者幫貓咪安樂死的經歷。文中講述作者如何收養流浪貓SoLo,從一開始的互不信任,到後來成為親密的朋友。不幸的是,SoLo 被診斷出患有貓白血病,在經歷了一段痛苦的治療過程後,作者最終選擇讓SoLo安樂死,以結束牠的痛苦。

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Euthanasia 「安樂死」

閱讀全文 >> Grief and Pet Loss

I have always shared my life with cats Many years
I have always shared my life with cats. Many years ago, I started feeding a scruffy orange and white stray cat. At first there was no rhythm to his appearances, but he soon began showing up on a regular basis. He was thin and afraid. I asked about him around my neighborhood and learned that he had been surviving alone on the streets for at least three years. Because he looked so lonely, I named him SoLo.
scruffy 「髒亂的」、「不整潔的」

on a regular basis 常用片語,指「定期的」、「經常性的」
Ex. He visits the dentist on a regular basis. 他定期會去看牙醫

我一直都有養貓。許多年前,我開始餵養一隻橙白相間的流浪貓 (stray cat)。起初,他出現的時間很不規律,但不久後,他開始定期出現。他又瘦又害怕。我從鄰里那裡得知他已經在街頭獨自生存了至少三年。因為他看起來很孤獨,我給他取名叫 SoLo (solo 是一個人的意思)。

Over time and with much work Solo trusted me eno
Over time, and with much work, Solo trusted me enough that I was able to take him to the veterinarian for vaccinations and a bath. When we came home, I decided to find out how he would adjust to the house. I opened the carrier and he plopped on the couch like he had always lived there. From that moment on, Solo became an indoor cat and good friend. Even if I opened the door and invited him out, he would sit on his favorite rug and refuse to budge.
plop 狀聲詞,指「撲通一聲地掉下」或「重重地坐下」


經過一段時間和努力,SoLo終於足夠信任我,讓我帶他去看獸醫 (veterinarian),給他接種疫苗和洗澡。當我們回到家時,我決定看看他會如何適應室內生活。我打開運輸籠 (carrier),他便像從以前就住在那裡一樣一屁股躺在沙發上。從那一刻起,SoLo 成了一隻室內貓,也成了我的好朋友。即使我打開門請他出去,他也會坐在他最喜歡的地毯 (rug) 上,一動不動。