Monopoly - Landlord's Game 完整註解


《大富翁》是一款家喻戶曉的桌上遊戲,但卻很少人聽過它的發明者伊莉莎白·馬吉(Elizabeth Magie),更不知道她創造這個遊戲的初衷。如果 Elizabeth 親眼目睹了現今版《大富翁》的影響力,她應該會毫不猶豫把自己送進“監獄”吧。

Because it encourages its players to celebrate exactly the opposite values to those she intended to champion.


Monopoly 本身有「壟斷」市場的意思。也是遊戲「大富翁」的英文。

capitalism 資本主義。capitalist 資本主義者

property 財產,文中指的是土地產。

tax 稅金。可以當動詞指「課稅」的意思

rent 租金

閱讀全文 >> Monopoly Was Invented to Reveal the Toxic Greed of Capitalism

‘Buy land – they aren’t making it any more,’ quipped Mark Twain. It’s a maxim that would certainly serve you well in a game of Monopoly, the bestselling board game that has taught generations of children to buy up property, stack it with hotels, and charge fellow players sky-high rents for the privilege of accidentally landing there.

maxim 格言、座右銘
serve well 意思是給某人帶來好處。文中意思就是前述的maxim會在遊戲中帶給你好處,能讓你贏得比賽。
privilege 特權、特殊待遇

第一段引用了湯姆歷險記的作者 Mark Twain的一句話點出「大富翁」這款遊戲的宗旨,Buy land - they aren't making it any more

作者 Kate Raworth 最後面用一種調侃的方式說到 "charge fellow players sky-high rents for the privilege of accidentally landing there"。privilege 指特權或特殊待遇,而在「大富翁」中,地主可以向其他玩家收取巨額的費用,以獲得能不小心停留在土地上的“特權”。