Sex Philosophy 完整註解
本文敘述著身為性愛作家的 Kayla Kubbe,參加全紐約最exclusive、最奢華的性愛俱樂部 SNCTM後的心得。文章字數較多,但架構上大致上可以分成三部分:
第一部分,一開始開門見山地講出她參加後的感想,同時也預告我們身為 sex writer 的她,在參加 SNCTM 之前對於 sex club 的經驗與看法。“It’s not that big of a deal” 是她對 SNCTM 的結論 - 本是性愛派對,卻少了性愛的純粹。
第二部分,Kayla 介紹了SNCTM這個俱樂部,這次活動的事前準備 (這次的主題是Masquerades),以及她在SNCTM 裡面看到的景象。
第三部分,對於SNCTM以及其他Kayla接觸過的性愛俱樂部,Kayla 探討Inclusivity、Exclusivity,以及 Sex 三者之間的關係,並給出了她的見解。
Tier:等級,類似Level。像SNCTM這種 invite-only 的會員制俱樂部裡面的會員也分不同tier. 文中有提到最高級的tier 是 Violet Key Benefactor,每年會費是1,000,000美金
Masquerades:歐美上流社會的那種化裝舞會,也是 Kayla 這次參加的主題。
Kink/Kinky:通常用在講性愛方面的「性怪僻」; He/She is kinky 表示他/她有些特別的性癖好。
Inclusive:包含在內,包容的。try to be inclusive 試著去包容其他人事物,一大家庭的意思。
Exclusive 則是相反,排外的,只有特定人才有資格加入,通常也會有比較高貴奢華的感覺。SNCTM這種就是屬於比較 exclusive 的。
閱讀全文 >> What It’s Really Like Inside SNCTM, New York’s Most Exclusive Sex Party
I literally cannot even express to you how not a big deal any of this was,” is a text I sent to my now-ex-boyfriend a little after 2 a.m. one night (or, rather, very early morning) in late April.
從SNCTM回家的路上,Kayla Kubbe傳了這條訊息給她當時的男友: “I literally cannot express to you how not a big deal any of this was.” 而且 she meant it 她真的認為SNCTM真的不怎麼樣。
等等…my now-ex-boyfriend...她當時有男友!
It was a text I sent with some relief, mostly because I almost meant it. Like most boyfriends (or so I would imagine) mine was not terribly enthused by the prospect of his girlfriend attending a sex party without him. What a relief, then (if also kind of a flex) to be able to stroll calmly out the nicest apartment you’ve ever seen (let alone been in) where you just witnessed some of the most attractive people you’ve ever laid eyes on do things to each other that people in some parts of this country would consider unspeakable, and text your probably sleeping boyfriend out on Long Island that he definitely didn’t miss anything. That he was practically better off at home watching Pixar movies with his 8-year-old. And to almost mean it.
哪個男生會喜歡自己女友單獨去參加性愛趴,而且裡面還都是比自己帥一百倍、比自己有錢一千倍的高富帥。所以她很 relieved(慶幸) 即使在見證了她這一生見過最attractive 的極品天菜進行一些在某些國家會被視為 unspeakable 的羞羞事情之後,她還能夠鎮定地離開那奢華的公寓,且打從心底告訴她男友,其實真的不怎麼樣。