The Thing with Productivity 完整註解
這篇文章探討了作者 KATHERINE ORMEROD 對 productivity (生產力) 的看法。身為一位母親及作家,如何在有限的二十四小時之內完成自身份內的工作外,還有時間跟體力去運動,去跑趴、去做其他想做的事,Katherine 強調 being productive 不是很多書籍或線上課程裡提到的那樣,是靠著強大意志力及過人的努力解鎖的技能,它更像是因個人成長經歷和其他種種因素衍生而出的特質。
"We give far too much credit to productive people—many of whom don't even have to lift a finger to find their drive."
我們過於崇仰那些 productive people 了,很多時候他們根本不需要費力。
KATHERINE ORMEROD 是一位英國的作家,所以文章中有些詞彙是英國的用詞。
drive: 動力
credit: 指的是應得的 "讚譽"。電影結束後都會顯示所有參與製作的人,英文稱之為 credits。
give credit to sb. 給某人他應有的讚譽
receive credit 接受讚譽
hacks: 小撇步,能夠簡單快速完成某件事的小技巧。類似 tips/tricks
model: 在文中指的是"典範"、"模範"、"示範" 的意思
graft: 英國用語,hard work 的意思
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作者KATHERINE ORMEROD 知道我們已經訂閱夠多「如何提高效率」類型的文章了,不過他還是希望在這裡慎重討論output culture,也就是 being productive 的風氣。Katherine 時常會在社群媒體上分享自己在做的事,不過卻也讓很多人,尤其是媽媽們(Katherine本身也是母親)覺得自己做得不夠。這絕對不是Katerine的本意。
Without wanting to add to the cacophony of productivity hacks landing in your inbox this month, I’ve had so many messages from my followers over the past week asking how I manage to achieve what I do in a day (especially when it comes to DIY), it felt an opportune moment to talk seriously about output culture. I am acutely aware that by sharing my personal 24 hours, I make others feel not so great about theirs. I know this, because someone or another will message me, literally on a daily basis, to tell me I make them feel inadequate. It’s most often mothers. In the grand scheme of the things that I would like to bring to this Earth, making other mums feel like crap is quite literally my last intention—outside of nuclear annihilation, of course.