The Waiting 完整註解


這篇文章描述了作者 David Rakoff 在醫院接受檢查的心境。作者本身是一位患有惡性腫瘤的患者,他以幽默和諷刺的語氣,探討了病患面對長期檢查與等待的心理困擾,以及醫療人員的語氣和用詞對於病患心裡的影響。


anticipate (v.) 預期、期望
anticipation (n.)
anticipatory (adj.)

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技術人員無意的一句話:Have a fantastic day!

I am nothing if not compliant I held still as I w
I am nothing if not compliant. I held still as I was shuttled back and forth through the wondrous high-tech doughnut, inhaling and holding my breath when instructed. Less than three minutes later, I hopped off the narrow table and put my sweater back on. 
“Have a fantastic day,” the technician said as I left.
nothing if not ... 直接翻譯是「若不...就什麼都不是」,也就是「很...」的意思
Ex. He is nothing if not handsome. 他非常帥

hold still 保持不動

我是很聽話的 (compliant)(叫我做什麼我就做什麼)。當我在這奇妙的高科技電腦斷層掃描儀器中 (文中用 doughnut 甜甜圈,因為形狀儀器長的像甜甜圈)被來回移動時,我保持靜止不動,並聽從指令吸氣、憋氣。不到三分鐘過後,我跳下儀器台的窄桌子,然後穿上我的外套。
